e mërkurë, 20 qershor 2007

Super Services

ank to go
emping on a lofty level

   Unusual Requests
nique Projects
ltimate Assistance
sual requests too!

hatever you need!

A Successful Venture

I ran this business twice in my life, once in California and once in Israel. It was a runaway success in both cases. This time, though, I'm going to follow through and make it big.

Super Man can do it!

What Do You Need in Your Life or Business?

If you have an unusual need, project, or job, and I mean what I say,
I will go anywhere and do anything for you, as long as it's legal.

I or a member of my staff will help you achieve whatever you require or want. We will be there to solve any problem, personal or business. We will assist you in overcoming any deficiency.

More than consultants, we will effect our plans, developed with you.

In the coming weeks, I'll be giving examples of the projects we are executing.


One example? We went into a cult and retrieved a boy back to his family. Another? We hired actors to eat at a restaurant the day a potential buyer was visiting.

We'll do anything creative or unusual, or even mundane. We'll even mow your lawn! Just ask.

Stop and think what it is that you require in your life right now. What is bothering you? We're there for you.

Contact Me

If you need any kind of service or problem solved, email me at Rock, or call at (323) 219-2471, and I'll get back to you immediately.

If you have an unusual service to offer or want to be a Super Man employee, email me at Rock.

For $10 I'll put a link to your site on this blog. To advertise on this site, contact me for details.

Leave comments to join in discussions.


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